Nursing Observership Program

Clinical Nursing Observership Program

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Clinical Nursing Observership Program

General Overview

The International Nursing Observership Program is an informal observership experience that enables participants to observe Koç University Hospital nurses in various units during patient rounds, bedside care, and clinical settings. Our training programs provides observers from around the world the opportunity to expand their knowledge and deepen their expertise by coming through clinical and research areas in compliance with rules and regulations. Instutional regulations prevent observers from having patient care responsibilities or involvement in any form of volunteer research. Please note as an observer, you are not eligible to have an email address and cannot have access to our electronic patient record keeping system.


Observers have to hold valid nursing license.

Observers must be proficient in spoken and written English or Turkish. Individuals who arrive without adequate English skills may be encouraged to terminate their observership prematurely.

Individuals must assume all costs for transportation, room, board, and incidental expenses.  Our Staff can assist observers in locating housing once the dates of the observership have been finalized.  If it is determined that the individual’s level of funding is insufficient, the request for an observership will be denied.

Individuals must obtain their own visas and are responsible for all required documentation for entry into Turkey. Our Staff can assist accepted observers in this process.


Observerships are limited to one to two at a time. Applications must be received at least three to six months prior to an anticipated visit. Applications may be denied if someone else has already signed up for an overlapping period or if the desired observership period overlaps with major scientific meetings.

Observership Schedule

Please see below for the nursing units which are included observership program. Each unit is only able to host a maximum of two nurse observers at a time.

Applicants are allowed to apply to one unit at a time and cannot observe in multiple units during the this time. The maximum length per observership is two weeks.

  • General & Coronary ICU
  • Cardiovascular surgery ICU
  • Neonatology ICU
  • Pediatric ICU
  • Surgical services
  • Internal medicine services
  • Oncology-hematology service
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology service
  • Hematology & Stem Cell Transplant Unit
  • Organ Transplant Service
  • Pediatric service
  • Emergency Department

Process-How can observers apply?

Firstly, observers should review the eligibility requirements. Observers either need to send an email request to or complete the online application form below. The request should include the following:

  • Primary goals and objectives for the observership
  • Requested dates of observership
  • Requested department of observership
  • Completed curriculum vitae (in English)
  • Copy of nursing school diploma
  • Letter from supervisor at the observer’s home institution attesting to the applicant’s credentials and the value expected from the observer’s visit
  • Statement of funding – how the costs associated with the observership will be funded

Program Fees

Applicants will receive a response via email letting them know if their request can be considered and what addition information, if any, is needed. At this time we will let the observer know the program fee.  This fee is is set by the length of stay requested. The program fee does not cover the cost of the observers VISA, housing, etc during their time here, it is strictly a fee to participate in the program. Once all necessary documentation is in place, a formal acceptance notice will be given. Information on how to pay these fees will be provided to the observer at appropriate times in the application process.

On completion of the observership, participants will receive a certificate of attendance signed by the Nursing Services Director of the chosen institution.

1 week 400 USD, 2 weeks 700 USD, 4 weeks 1000 USD.

Mentioned fees are inclusive of 3 meals at hospital, certificate of attandance.

For application, please send an e-mail to