The determination created by the eagerness to learn, reflected in the eyes of the participants,
is the only thing that hasn’t changed in 175 years!
Accredited by American Health Association (AHA)
The American Heart Association (AHA) is a nationwide voluntary health organization composed of science and lay volunteers and supported by professional staff. It offers many programs for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED), first aid and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) training, to raise quality of care and improve outcomes from cardiac arrest and stroke.
Basic Life Support
The AHA’s BLS course trains participants to promptly recognize several life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations, provide early use of an AED and relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants.
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
The AHA’s ACLS course trains participants in lifesaving BLS skills, use of an AED, emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR, advanced life support skills, and management of respiratory arrest, arrhythmias, acute coronary syndromes and stroke.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
The AHA’s PALS course trains participants in advanced life support skills for treating children and infants, including CPR, AED use, and management of respiratory emergencies, shock emergencies, and arrhythmias.
Discover Dozens of Surgical & Non-Surgical Courses
RMK AIMES is proud to offer a wide variety of courses offered at our state-of-the art facility, or even remotely.
Upcoming Events
RMK AIMES is proud to offer a wide variety of courses offered at our state-of-the art facility, or even remotely.
- February 10 @ 8:30 amGöz Hastalıklarının Tanı ve Tedavisinde Teknolojik Yaklaşımlar 10 Şubat 2024 EĞİTMENLER: Prof. Dr. A. Perran Gökçe Prof Dr. F. Eser Özgencil KURS PROGRAMI: 08:30-09:00 Kayıt 09:00-09:30 Işık Kaynağı ile Göz Muayenesi 09:30-10:00 Direkt/İndirekt Pupillar Işık Refleksi, Korneal refleks, Tehdit Refleksi, Dazzle Refleks/ Görmenin Davranışsal Değerlendirilmesi 10:00-10:30 Schirmer Gözyaşı Testi 10:30-11:00 Kahve Molası 11:00-11:30 Boya Maddeleri (Fluorescein/Lissemine Green/Rose Bengal) ile Korneal ve Konjunktival Muayene 11:30-12:00 Jones Testi 12:00-13:00 Göz Tansiyonu Ölçümü (Rebound Tonometre ile) 13:00-13:30 Öğle Yemeği 13:30-14:00 Direkt, İndirekt Oftalmoskop ve Panoftalmoskop ile Muayene (Midriatik Kullanımı ile Lens ve Fundus Muayenesi) 14:30-15:00 Slit Lamp Biyomikroskopi ile Kornea, Ön Kamara, Lens Ön Kapsülü Muayenesi 15:00-15:30 Kahve Molası 15:30-16:30 B-Scan USG ile Göz Muayenesi (Lokal Anestezik Damla Sonrası) 16:30-17:00 Kapanış Kurs Dili: Türkçe Kurs programı dosyasını görüntülemek için tıklayınız.16 Seats Available
- April 5 @ 8:00 amApril 5-6 2025 Course Venue: RMK AIMES Course Director: Gülpembe BOZKURT The course is limited to 16 participants. Registration fee includes: Tuition - Lecture - Coffee Breaks - Certificate Official Language: The official language of the course is both English and Turkish. Please click here for Course Program65 Seats Available
- April 29 @ 8:00 amLaparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy on 3D Models Course 29 April 2025, Tuesday AIMS AND OBJECTIVES; Lectures & video presentations on laparoscopy & laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Performing laparoscopic partial nephrectomy on 3D printed kidney models with tumors. COURSE CONTENT: Lectures & video presentations: laparoscopic instruments & partial nephrectomy Practice with EBLUS materials Hands-on training with 3D printed kidney models with tumors: Performing laparoscopic partial nephrectomy Performing internal renorraph Performing external renorraphy FACULTY: (in alphabetical order) Dr.A.Erdem Canda Dr. Ignacio Castillon Dr.Melih Balcı Dr.Yakup Kordan Dr.Yılmaz Aslan Please click here to see the course program.5 Seats Available
- April 29 @ 8:00 amRobotic Partial Nephrectomy on 3D Models Course 29 April 2025, Tuesday AIMS AND OBJECTIVES; Introducing components of Da Vinci surgical robotic system, lectures & video presentations. Practicing with Da Vinci robotic simulators. Performing robotic partial nephrectomy on 3D models. COURSE CONTENT: Lectures on components of Da Vinci robotic surgical system. Lectures on robotic instruments. Video presentations on robotic partial nephrectomy procedures. Traning on Da Vinci robotic simulators. Hands-on training on 3D models Excision of renal mass (performing partial nephrectomy) Performing internal renorraphy Performing external renorraphy FACULTY: (in alphabetical order) Dr.A.Erdem Canda Dr. Ignacio Castillon Dr.Melih Balcı Dr.Yakup Kordan Dr.Yılmaz Aslan Please click here to see the course program.4 Seats Available
- April 29 @ 8:00 amRobotic NVB Sparing Radical Prostatectomy, Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection & Robotic Radical Cystectomy with Intracorporeal Ileal Loop Formation Human Fresh Frozen Cadaver Course 29 April 2025, Tuesday AIMS AND OBJECTIVES; Introducing components of Da Vinci surgical robotic system, lectures and video presentations on robotic radical prostatectomy with NVB sparing and extended pelvic LN dissection, practicing with Da Vinci robotic simulators and performing robotic radical prostatectomy with NVB sparing and extended pelvic LN dissection on human fresh frozen cadavers. Trainees will also perform robotic cystectomy with intracorporeal ileal loop formation. This course is not for beginners and having some previous robotic surgery experience is suggested. COURSE CONTENT: Lectures on components of Da Vinci surgical robotic system Lectures on robotic instruments used Video presentations of robotic radical prostatectomy & robotic cystectomy with intracorporeal ileal loop procedures Training on Da Vinci robotic simulators Hands-on training on human fresh frozen cadavers: FACULTY: Dr.Yakup Kordan Dr.A.Erdem Canda Dr.Yılmaz Aslan Dr.Melih Balcı Please click here to see the course program.4 Seats Available
- April 29 @ 8:00 amRobotic Radical Prostatectomy Course on 3D Printed Models 29-30 April 2025, Tuesday & Wednesday AIMS AND OBJECTIVES; Introducing components of Da Vinci surgical robotic system, lectures and video presentations on robotic radical prostatectomy with NVB sparing and extended pelvic LN dissection, practicing with Da Vinci robotic simulators and performing robotic radical prostatectomy with NVB sparing on 3D printed models. COURSE CONTENT: Lectures on components of Da Vinci surgical robotic system Lectures on robotic instruments used Video presentations on robotic radical prostatectomy Training on Da Vinci robotic simulators Hands-on training on 3D printed models FACULTY: Dr.Yakup Kordan Dr.A.Erdem Canda Dr.Melih Balcı Dr.Yılmaz Aslan Please click here to see the course program.4 Seats Available
- April 29 @ 8:00 amLaparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Course on 3D Printed Models 29-30 April 2025, Tuesday & Wednesday AIMS AND OBJECTIVES; Introducing instruments used for the rpcedure, lectures and video presentations on laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with NVB sparing and extended pelvic LN dissection, practicing with laparoscopic training boxes and performing laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with NVB sparing on 3D printed models. COURSE CONTENT: Lectures on laparoscopic instruments used Video presentations on laparoscopic radical prostatectomy Training on laparoscopy training boxes Hands-on training on 3D printed models FACULTY: Dr.Yakup Kordan Dr.A.Erdem Canda Dr.Melih Balcı Dr.Yılmaz Aslan Please click here to see the course program.6 Seats Available
Take a Peek
Encompassing over 5 floors and more than 6,000 m2, AIMES is an educational hub, operating out of the vibrant and ancient city of Istanbul.
RMK AIMES: Special Programs
Excelling in Medicine.
RMK AIMES offers a suite of programs, certifications and education centered around various disciplines and topics, explore some of them for yourself:
Brought to You by a Connected Network
As Koç Healthcare, we have determined a clinical road map, guidance and algorithms to provide transparent and integrated healthcare services at a standardized level of quality to all of our patients. Our medical and administrative systems are constantly measured and evaluated in order to ensure continuous development.